Alternatives for Bone and Joint Health
Homotoxicology Has Answers To Fill The Void Created By COX-2
By: Bruce H Shelton MD MD(h) DiHOM - Heel USA Chief Medical
Advisor With the absolute removal of Vioxx from the marketplace and the warnings against the use of Celebrex, Bextra and Naproxen-type products, a huge void has opened in the pharmaceutical world's treatment of inflammatory and arthritic conditions.
Traditional physicians everywhere are scrambling to fill these voids in their patients' drug closets and all that the local pharmacies currently have to offer are ibuprofen-type compounds, aspirin, indocin and cortisone; drugs introduced many years ago that were replaced by these supposed gastrointestinal "safer", more modern compounds.
How was the public supposed to know that this class of drugs caused people to have heart attacks?
Of course the FDA forces drug companies do seven years of studies, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, before approving them as safe to market.
These drugs went through that process, but that's a discussion for another article. Just last year, several studies were published in independent medical journals proving that Zeel, a preparation of combined homeopathic remedies called homotoxicology, was therapeutically equivalent to both Vioxx and Celebrex and in fact had physiological effectsequivalent to cortisone. Patients have not only seen their bone and joint pain go into healing modes, but even note that asthma improves, because the LOX-5 pathway is affected along with the COX-1 and COX-2 pathways (which is something that Vioxx and Celebrex do not affect (LOX) at all)
Zeel Provides a Safe and Effective Homeopathic Alternative
The purpose of pharmaceutical therapy for bone and joint inflammation is to relieve pain, improve mobility, and prevent progression of inflammation. To achieve these results, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications such as NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), non-selective COX 1 inhibitors and selective COX 2 inhibitors are commonly prescribed. Patients taking COX 2 inhibitors have been reported to experience undesirable effects including edema, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and gastric complaints. Zeel is used worldwide and remains at the forefront of homeopathic medicine. It is made up of a combination of 15 all natural active ingredients intended to provide relief of arthritic symptoms and support healthy connective tissues function.
Zeel offers a viable alternative to conventional drugs in treating mild to moderate bone and joint pain. Due to its lower cost and the fact that it virtually eliminates the need for secondary medication to control adverse effects, it can also reduce the cost of long-term bone and joint pain management
Merck & Co. announced on September 30th that their drug, Vioxx, used by two million people around the world, is being pulled off the market after a study confirmed long-standing concerns that it raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. Merck has urged patients who are currently taking Vioxx to contact their health care providers to discuss discontinuing use of Vioxx and seek possible alternative treatments. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it would closely watch drugs in the same class as Vioxx, which would include Pfizer Inc.'s Celebrex, for signs of risk.
Zeel is manufactured and distributed by Heel Inc., one of the largest homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world with distribution in over 60 countries. Zeel is used to temporarily relieve joint pain, improve joint function, and stimulate normal cartilage performance. It is particularly effective in relieving symptoms associated with degenerative bone and joint pain. Available in ointment, tablet, oral vial and prescription injectable form, and virtually side-effect free, Zeel is non-habit forming, safe and effective for long-term treatment, very well tolerated and has no known interaction with other medications. Heel Inc. has several clinical studies on Zeel available upon request: A Modern Homeopathic Medication Works as well as COX 2 Inhibitors.
Allan Magaziner, DO is president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and is available for interviews regarding bone and joint pain management with Zeel. He has been practicing nutritional biochemistry and preventative medicine for nearly 20 years. Dr. Magaziner is board certified in family practice and environmental medicine and is a certified nutrition specialist currently in private practice in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Information provided by Heel, Inc.