Profile - Pure Body Institute
Our company was founded in 1991 as Eden's Secrets. In 1995 the name was changed from Eden Secrets to the Pure Body Institute. As Eden Foods (a health food store product line) challenged us for the name. Not wanting to spend all of our profits on lawyers, we decided to become the Pure Body Institute (a much better name).
What makes my product so special, is that all of my formulas "Support the structure and function of the body". They do not insult the body or force it to do something it would not do naturally. If given a chance the body can heal itself.
This is why public and medical author, word of mouth is so high! The best medical authors recommend my product including such luminaries as Dr. Sherry Rogers, Dr. Doris Rapp, Dr. Larry Clapp, Dr. Jeff McCombs, Dr. Elson Hass, Shonda Parker and more.
Doctors telling doctors telling doctors. Patients telling patients. Quality, in every bottle. Yes, Great Smokies Laboratories and the prestigious Doctors Data Labs, rave about my formulas but in the end, your results are all that matter to me. When you feel better, what else is there?