Profile - Similasan
Similasan Switzerland was incorporated in 1980 for the manufacturing and distributing of homeopathic medications, which had been formulated and dispensed over the years by Swiss druggist, Armin Spaeni. In the U.S. Similasan offers a unique line of homeopathic medications. They are Active Response Formulas, targeting the most common problems of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Similasan products meet the highest quality standards. Similasan's U.S. corporate office is located in Denver, Colorado.
Below is a complete list of active ingredients found in Similasan products. All ingredients are microdiluted according to standards of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.
Unless otherwise noted, all information is taken from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, Volumes 1-3, Third Edition, copyright 1991, published by Homeopathic Book Service.
Apis is found in Similasan Allergy Eye Relief eye drops. Apis relieves eyes that tend to be red, inflamed, burning, and/or stinging. (Insect-based: derived from honey bees.)
Belladonna is found in Similasan Dry Eye Relief and Similasan Pink Eye Relief eye drops. Indicated for dry, burning, red eyes that feel hot and/or are light sensitive. (plant-based)
Cardiospermum is found in Similasan Hay Fever Relief nasal spray. This plant-based ingredient is ideal for treatment of swollen mucous membranes (rhinitis) and runny nose. Cardiospermum is widely used in skin creams indicated for itching and skin allergies. It's known in the homeopathic industry as homeopathic cortisone. (Source: Homeopathy by Carlo Odermatt & Armin Speani, copyright 1993, GREMAG, Jonen, Switzerland)
Causticum is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops. Helps with stoppage of the ears, ear discharge(pus) and itching. (mineral-based)
Chamomilla is found in Similasan Earache Relief ear drops. Relieves ear pain while calming and soothing. Works especially well for patients who appear anxious and frantic, and who complain their ears feel clogged. (plant-based)
Cineraria Maritima is found in Similasan Cataract Care eye drops. Cineraria is indicated for cataract and cloudy vision. (plant-based)
Conium Maculatum is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief and Similasan Cataract Care eye drops. Used for double vision, excessive tearing, poor night vision, seeing black spots from fatigue, aching of the eyes when reading, red appearance of objects and light sensitivity. (plant-based)
Euphrasia is a found in Similasan Dry Eye Relief, Similasan Allergy Eye Relief and Similasan Pink Eye Relief eye drops. Euphrasia is a derivative of the eyebright plant and helps with thick, mucous and/or watery discharge. Euphrasia also addresses burning and swelling of the eyelid as well as inflammation.
Galphimia glauca is found in Similasan Hay Fever Relief nasal spray. A plant-based ingredient used for respiratory allergy symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. (Source: Lotus Materia Medica,: Homeopathic and Spagyric Medicines by Robin Murphy, ND; Lotus Star Academy, Pagosa Springs, CO; copyright 1995).
Graphites is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops. Works for dryness of the inner ear, as well as ear-wax build-up and the "clogged sensation" as well as ringing in the ear when caused by ear wax. (mineral-based)
Hepar sulphuris is found in Similasan Pink Eye Relief eye drops. Addresses pain and inflammation of the eyes and eyelids. Secondarily, it addresses discharge caused by conjunctivitis. (mineral-based)
Kali bichromicum is found in Similasan Sinus Relief nasal spray. Addresses the presence of thick, greenish-yellow discharge. Also indicated for dryness, pain and pressure at root of nose and chronic sinusitis. (mineral-based)
Lachesis is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops. Addresses wax build-up and accompanying clogged sensation. (animal based)
Luffa operculata is found in Similasan Hay Fever Relief and Sinus Relief nasal sprays. Indicated for runny nose, acute rhinitis, purulent sinusitis, chronic atrophic rhinitis, head colds with pale or yellow nasal secretion and dryness of the nasal mucous.(plant-based) (Source: Lotus Materia Medica,: Homeopathic and Spagyric Medicines by Robin Murphy, ND; Lotus Star Academy, Pagosa Springs, CO; copyright 1995)
Lycopodium is found in Similasan Ear Wax Relief ear drops and addresses clogged sensation in the ears, as well as ringing/buzzing in the ear. (plant-based)
Mercurius Solubilis (also known as Quicksilver or Mercurius Vivus) is found in Similasan Earache Relief ear drops, and addresses inflammation and pain of the inner ear. This form of mercurius is non-toxic.
Mercurius sublimatus (also known as Mercurius corrosivus or Mercuric Chloride, an inorganic compound) is found in Similasan Dry Eye Relief, and is very effective against red eyes and eyelids, as well as burning and dry eyes. This form of mercurius is non-toxic.
Natrium Muriaticum is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief eye drops. Indicated for weak muscles of the eyes, heavy eyelids and pressure on eyes; helps eliminate cloudy vision quickly when eyes are tired and weak from reading, writing or staring at computers. Helps with headaches due to eyestrain. (mineral based)
Phosphorus is found in Similasan Cataract Care eye drops. This mineral-based ingredient is used for treatment of halos/glare around light, cloudy/blurry vision, eye fatigue/weakness, black dots or "floaters" and gray/faded colors.
Ruta graveolens is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief eye drops. Used for spasms of the eyelids, along with pain and/or pressure encountered while performing 'fine' work. Helpful for eyestrain followed by headache. (plant-based)
Sabadilla is found in Similasan Allergy Relief eye drops, Similasan Hay Fever Relief and Similasan Sinus Relief nasal sprays. Indicated for red and burning eyes, as well as runny nose, itching, sneezing and swelling of nasal tissues (rhinitis). (plant-based)
Senega officinalis is found in Similasan Computer Eye Relief eye drops. Indicated for aching, dry eyes and hypersensitivity to light, especially when reading or doing close work. (plant-based)
Sulphur (elemental sulphur) is found in Similasan Earache Relief ear drops. Indicated for pain, itching, and ringing in the ear. Elemental sulphur - a mineral found in nature - represents about 0.25% of the human body weight and is not considered allergenic. This ingredient should not be confused with common allergens such as sulfonamides and sulfites found in many prescription drugs and other products.