Bio-Health - 16 OZ by MBi Nutraceuticals

Bio-Health - 16 oz by Molecular Biologics - MBi Nutraceuticals
A proprietary mix of soluble and insoluble fiber in a specific combination that promotes overall cholesterol health. This great tasting product also contains vitamins and minerals to assist the body s general health and well-being.
There is accumulating evidence suggesting that dietary fiber can reduce serum cholesterol. Studies show that fiber can actually block the synthesis of cholesterol in the body as well as prevent the re-absorption of bile acids from the small intestine. There is also evidence to sug-gest that soluble fiber may help slow the absorption of glucose in the gastrointestinal system. According to the American Journal of Cardiology, a supplemental 15 grams of fiber a day may significantly lower cholesterol levels in both men and women. Bio-Health is a special fiber com-plex nutrient drink that can assist you in getting the fiber you need to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Recent studies indicate that dietary fiber in the GI tract attaches to excess fat and cholesterol, not allowing the body to asborb the fats into circulation. There is accumu-lating evidence in human studies regarding dietary fiber s influence on reducing serum total cholesterol and LDL. However, according to the American Dietetic Association, the average American currently consumes only 12 to 17 grams of fiber each day, instead of the recommended daily intake of 20 to 35 grams of fiber. One to two servings of Bio-Health per day will allow a person to reach the recommended daily intake of fiber and take advantage of the associated health benefits.
Bio-Health can also help curb your appetite by giving you a pleasant, full feeling when consumed before meals. Bio-Health is a natural way to control your appetite while nourishing your body with important nutrients needed for optimal health.
Antioxidants such as Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Selenium protect the body from free radical damage and slow the aging process.
B Complex vitamins such as Folic Acid, B12 and B6 may help retard the formation of plaques due to their ability to lower homo-cysteine levels. Lower homocysteine levels have been directly linked to reducing an individuals risk of heart disease.
Iodine boosts metabolism and helps the body burn excess fat.
Vanadium slows the formation of cholesterol in the liver.
Chromium is an essential trace mineral required for normal protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. GTF Chromium makes it possible for insulin to attach to the cell membrane and initiate the transport of glucose into cells. It is essential for maintaining blood sugar levels and for the synthesis of glycogen from glucose rather than fat. GTF Chromium may also aid in weight loss by stimulating blood sugar and blood-lipid metabolism. It aids in the reduction of high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, increases the effectiveness of insulin, and stimulates insulin production and enzymes in glucose metabolism. It decreases serum lipids, increases high-density serum (good cholesterol) lipoproteins, and builds healthy arteries.