Rescue Remedy Cream - 30 GM by Nelson Bach USA

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Bach Rescue Remedy Cream Flower Essence by Nelson Bach contains the same five remedies as the liquid Rescue Remedy, with the addition of Crab Apple, added for its cleansing qualities. It provides a convenient and natural way of applying Rescue Remedy externally.
For your home medicine chest, or traveling herbal first aid kit - Rescue Remedy in a homeopathic cream base that can be effectively applied. Rescue Remedy Cream is especially beneficial for external traumas and conditions, such as, blows, bruises, sprains, diaper rash, burns, razor burns, cuts, insect bites, sunburn - even chapped lips. A first aid kit in a tube!
The Bach Flower Essences are 100% safe and natural, also in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications; safe for everyone, also children, pregnant women, pets, elderly and even plants.
Rescue Remedy Cream Contains: Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Clematis and Crab Apple in a soothing homeopathic cream base.
Directions: Clean affected area, then apply cream to area thoroughly. Cover with a bandage if necessary.
Our skin is often the first place to show the effects of a demanding busy life. Stress can lead to dry, rough, uneven and dull-looking skin. RESCUE® Cream can help you restore calm from the outside so you feel good inside.
5x of combined Malus pumila HPUS, Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba HPUS, Impatiens glandulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.