Rock Water - 20 ML by Nelson Bach USA

Sale Price: $15.80
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MPN: BF00671
UPC: 741273206712
Rock Water (Aqua Petra) by Nelson Bach is the Bach Flower Remedy for people who take self-repression and self-denial to extremes. They are very wrapped up in themselves, seeking always to perfect themselves in some way and setting themselves targets and being very unkind to themselves if they fail to live according to their own rules. If they seek to influence others it is not directly but by example only.
The Rock Water remedy does not stop people from having high ideals or from trying to meet them. But it does help ease the excesses of the Rock Water personality, so that people like this can show more flexibility when it is necessary, and are not so hard on themselves.
Are you inflexible and set yourself high standard? Then give Rock Water a try.
Dr. Bach's Description: Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well and strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will keep them so. They hope to be examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result.
Rock Water Usage: Take two drops in a small glass of water and sip at intervals or take directly under tongue. Every bottle comes with it's own dropper to perfectly measure four drops. It can also be used on the pulse points, or moistened lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists.
Additional Information / Warnings: Gentle, safe effective treatment for the whole family. No artificial additive. Suitable for vegetarians. If pregnant or breast feeding, ask a health professional before use. (27% Brandy Alcohol)
Rock Water is one of Edward Bach's Original Flower Remedies homoeopathically prepared from plant flower extract.
Rock Water Bach Flower Remedy is made from a 5x dilution of aqua petra (rock water) in a grape alcohol solution.
A mixing bottle can be used when you wish to combine Flower Remedies. According to Dr Bach you can combine up to 7 flower remedies in a mixing bottle. The mixing bottle can be bought from the site.
For relief of naturally occurring nervous tension.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 5x dilution of prunus cerasifera HPUS.