Sleep Aid - 84 Pillules by Nelson Bach USA

This product has been discontinued
Suggested replacement:
MPN: NH05051
UPC: 741273050513
Sleep Aid by Nelsons is a homeopathic formulation for the symptomatic relief of Insomnia.
Active Ingredients Kali brom 30c HUPUS, Coffea cruda 30c HPUS, Passiflora 30c HPUS, Avena 30C HPUS, Alfalfa 30c HPUS, Valerina 30c HPUS
Inactive Ingredients: Lactose, Sucrose.
Directions (Adults/Children): On first use, turn pack upside down and break seal by pressing base hard with thumb. Press base twice to release 2 pillules into cap, unscrew cap and without touching pillules tip them into the mouth. Chew or let dissolve in mouth 2 pillules 4 hours before bedtime. Repeat immediatley before retiring. An additional 2 pillules may be taken during the night if required. Take between meals.
For temporary relief of occasional sleeplessness with symptoms including irritability, no need for sleep, restlessness with compulsive motion, nervous state due to mental strain, headache particularly in back of head.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Kali brom 30c HPUS, Coffea cruda 30c HPUS, Passiflora 30c HPUS, Avena 30c HPUS, Alfalfa 30C HPUS, Valeriana 30c HPUS. Inactive Ingredients: Lactose, Sucrose
INACTIVE:Lactose, sucrose.