Klimaktheel - 100 TB by Heel/BHI Homeopathics

This product has been discontinued
MPN: 1302170
UPC: 787647100866
Climacteric disorders.
Sanguinaria 3X, Sepia 4X, Sulfur 4X, Ignatia 4X, Cedron 4X ana 30 mg; Stannum 12X 60 mg; Lachesis 12X 90 mg.
In general, 1 tablet dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily.
Form in which supplied and package size:
Bottles containing 100 tablets.
Pharmacological and clinical notes
Constituents Indications
Sanguinaria (turmeric) Climacteric disturbances, hot flushes, uterine polypi, vasomotor disorders, periodical recurrence of headaches.
Sepia (cuttlefish) Climacteric disorders, nervous exhaustion, depression, apathy, chronic inflammation of the uterus and adnexa, hyperhidrosis.
Sulphur (sulphur) Reactant for all chronic diseases, cell activity is influenced catalytically.
Ignatia (St. Ignatiu's bean) Lability of mood, querulousness, globus hystericus, migraine, depression.
Cedron (cedron seeds) Periodically recurring neuralgia.
Stannum (tin) General remedy for debility, conditions of nervous exhaustion, visceroptosis.
Lachesis (bushmaster) Climacteric disorders, palpitations, hot flushes.
KlimaktHeel has proved effective in the treatment of hormonal manifestations of endocrine deficiency, especially in the climacteric; it does not act as hormonal substitution therapy. By means of KlimaktHeel, without hormones, biological stimulation takes place of the ovaries and the superimposed endocrine control system (hypothalamus, interior lobe of the pituitary gland). The therapeutical effect of KlimaktHeel is accomplished through a coupling of therapeutically stimulating active substances which, in accordance with Burgi's principle, undergo potentiatlon.
Based on the individual homeopathic constituents of KlimaktHeel, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of manifestations of endocrine deficiency such as hot flushes with and without attacks of sedation, palpitations, pulsation of the blood vessels, sensation of globus, dejection and other neurovegetative symptoms (dystonia), exhaustion, neurosis, depressive or melancholic conditions of the menopause as well as climacteric pruritus vulvae (in addition to Mercurius-Heel and Mezereum-Homaccord, possibly also Schwef-Heel, Hormeel, Sulfur-lnjeel, Engystol, Galium-Heel, etc.).
The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the symptoms and the stage of the illness: 3-4 times daily, at the start possibly every 1-2 hours and additionally at every hot flush: 1 tablet dissolved on the tongue. After possible past hormone treatment, the additional parenteral application is recommended of Metro-Adnex-lnjeel and Ovarium suis-lnjeel (forte), possibly also Placenta suis-lnjeel forte) once to twice weekly as mixed injection i.m. The acids of the citric acid cycle, as well as Engystol and Traumeel, act favorably in combination.
For the temporary relief of symptoms associated with female hormonal imbalance and menopause, and as an adjunct to hormone replacement therapy:
Hot flashes
Excessive sweating
Headache and fatigue
Each 300 mg tablet contains: Lachesis mutus 12X 90 mg; Stannum metallicum 12X 60 mg; Sanguinaria canadensis 3X , Cedron 4X , Ignatia amara 4X, Sepia 4X , Sulphur 4X 30 mg each. Inactive ingredients: Lactose Magnesium Stearate. (1x=1:10 dilution, 2X=1:100, 3X=1:1000, etc).