Prostatic Hypertrophy, Benign

Prostate Health:
It's vitally important for men of all ages to keep the prostate in good health. Though essential for men over the age of 45 to have a thorough prostate exam every 2-3 years; young men in their 20s have experienced prostate inflammation and should be made aware of the signs of a more serious condition.

Prostate Cancer:
Prostate problems affect 1 in 3 men over the age of 50, and just hasn't caught the public's attention to the degree that other cancers have; yet the numbers are staggering. Little known is the fact that more men lose their lives to prostate cancer, than women dying of breast cancer. More astonishing is that this common affliction in men remains mainly undiagnosed while in the early and treatable stage.

Signs of prostate trouble include:

You may want to see your doctor for a Parathyroid test.

Avoid the following foods: Coffee, Black Tea, Alcohol, Fats and Sweets

Benign as these physically irritating and socially embarrassing symptoms can be, if left unattended, can develop into a serious and potentially cancerous condition. Fortunately there are remedies which can successfully address benign prostate hypertrophy (enlarged gland) as found in our product listing.